Search engine optimization is a tricky thing. It’s not something you can do overnight, and it requires a lot of patience. There are some mistakes that many businesses make when they try to optimize their website for search engines, which we will discuss in this blog post.

Mistake #1: Using The Wrong Keywords

One of the most important aspects of SEO is keyword relevancy. You need to make sure that the keywords you use are relevant and popular; otherwise, you won’t rank very high on the search engine, and your audience will never find you.

Mistake #2: Using The Same Keywords in Multiple Different Blogs.

Keyword cannibalization is a very real thing and a huge threat to your SERP rank. If you use the same keywords repeatedly, the search engine bot won’t understand which article to rank higher. It might end up lowering the rank of all your blogs instead.

Mistake #3: Stuffing Too Many Keywords on Your Page

Less is more when it comes to keyword optimization. While you should be using relevant keywords frequently, overusing them will reduce the quality of your content.

People do not want to read a lengthy article that has the same word every few lines.

Mistake #4: Ignoring Search Intent

You may write content that is high quality and helpful, but if it isn’t specifically targeting the problem your audience is struggling with, then it’s pointless.

Mistake #5: Not Using a Mobile-Friendly Site

More than 50% of people looking for information on their phones are bound to prefer browsing mobile-friendly sites. If your site isn’t optimized to provide the best user experience on a mobile device, then you’ll be losing a lot of potential traffic.

Mistake #6: Not Using Images

You may have the best content globally, but without images, graphs, or some other kind of visual, your blog will look bland and boring. Many people might not want to go through all that text without a break or some exciting picture, and you’ll end up ranking much lower.

Mistake #7: Not Having Unique Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Descriptive, unique titles are so important because a title is the first thing that helps people decide whether or not they even want to read a blog. Also, when you share a blog somewhere online, the title and meta description is all people can see. If these aren’t written well, people might just ignore the blog, which is a huge problem.

Mistake #8: Not Using Internal and External Links

A blog with no links is bound to have a low SERP rank. You need to make sure you use relevant links to back your content from a high-quality resource. Plus, you should also add links to your own content, preferably blogs that rank high on search engines.

Mistake #9: Not Having a Social Media Marketing Plan

if you’re just starting with your blog, this is something to consider. A website blog will definitely take you places, but social media is a massive world on its own with billions of users. If you don’t have any social accounts, you’re missing out on redirecting a lot of attention to your site and engaging with potential customers.

Mistake #10: Not Using The Right Analytics Tools or Any Tool At All

SEO is almost impossible to work with blindly. You need to see definitive numbers to figure out what you’re doing right or wrong. For this, you need an effective SEO tool that can do a quick site audit and show you where your site is lacking SEO-wise and what blogs or articles need your attention.

If you recognize any of these mistakes in your own content, we urge you to stop. You’ll start seeing marked improvement in your site’s ranking once you replace these bad SEO habits with some effective good ones.